Martin Luge

Fachkongress Biokunstoffe 2014

Ideation workshops to determine the innovation potential of biopolymers.


Art Direction
Graphic Design

Ideen Workshops
Fraunhofer IAO CeRRI

As part of the specialist congress “Bioplastics - Building Blocks for a Bioeconomy”, Fraunhofer CeRRI organized the “World Café Biopolymers” at the Umweltforum Berlin on October 21, 2014 on behalf of the Fachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe e.V. (Agency for Renewable Resources). Around 70 participants from research, industry and politics explored the innovation potential of biopolymers using various creative methods in five designed thinking spaces.

Bioplastics are an important building block in the transition from an economy based on fossil raw materials to a knowledge-based bioeconomy.

For the future development of bioplastics, it is crucial that research, industry and politics engage in an open exchange of information and sustainable networking. The World Café Biopolymers initiated a constructive dialog and stimulated the development of innovative ideas for technologies, products and services in the growth market of bioplastics.

The aim of the “World Café Biopolymers” was to take a look into the future with the participants. By using different creative methods and creative approaches, traditional thought and discussion processes were broken up. Fraunhofer CeRRI designed five thinking spaces that conveyed the diverse innovation potential in the field of biopolymers based on different topics: “From biopolymer to product cycle”, “The renewable bus”, “Innovation driver material properties”, “Fictionalized megatrends”, “Problem-solving machine”. In the thinking spaces, the focus was on future-oriented fields of application, possible uses and scope for bioplastics.